Protecting Businesses Over 20 Years

ID Inc. is a national company who has been using driver’s licenses for risk management and other data processing functions for the past 20 years. In 2000, the majority of states started automating the back of drivers licenses.

ID Inc. began following this process across the nation. Today, the ID Inc 2050 system can read every automated license from every state in the nation. We have a staff of programmers who monitor each state and update software accordingly for any changes in formats or state specifications. These changes are provided to ID Inc. subscribers via a software update download. Your ID system has a modem in it which allows it to communicate with ID INC’s home office main computer. Your software license covers all update downloads no matter how many are needed.

Additionally, the system automatically calculates the age, name, and pertinent information for the patron and displays it prominently on a large illuminated screen.

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